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CONNECTING WITH BEETHOVEN - Spalenvorstadt 25, Basel

  • Spalenvorstadt, Basel Basel (Karte)

Beethoven connected: “Slap-concert”

1 François Sarhan(*1972): Situation no 11 and 12 2 Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951), arr. Anton Webern (1883-1945): Kammersymphonie op.9 (1914) 3 Mark Applebaum (*1976): Aphasia (2010)

Tomohiro Iino, Percussion Modern Consort: Léo Belthoise, violin & Caterina Bruno, flute & Julie Duffossez, clarinet & Giulio Sanna, violoncello & Andries Voets, piano

Free entrance. Collection. Limited seating. Reservation recommended: info@foryoungmusicians.ch