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We celebrate 12 Years of ForYoungMusicians 5th to 8th December 2024

  • Swiss Foundation For Young Musicians @ Lampert & Zuckschwert GmbH Weidengasse 49, 4052 Basel Switzerland (Karte)

FESTIVAL UNSTILL 6: Sunday 8 December 2024, 17:00-18:15


1 Emmanuel Séjourné (*1961): Attraction für Vibraphone and Marimba (Short version)

2 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897): Sonata for Violoncello & Piano No. 2 in F-Major Op. 99

3 Alfred Schnittke (1934-1998): Sonatea for V’cello & Piano No. 2


Musicians: Duo Balas-Woźniak: Michał Balas, Violoncello & Mikołaj Woźniak, Piano / Lukas Hettinger, Vibraphone, Marimba


Festival Address: @ Lampert & Zuckschwert GmbH, Weidengasse 49, Basel (1 min. walk from Don Bosco Basel)

Tickets from 15 November onwards: Bider & Tanner, Aeschenvorstadt 2, Tel: 061 206 99 96. Online booking: www.biderundtanner.ch or www.ticketcorner.ch

Prices: CHF 35/ Concert. Festivalpass for all 6 concerts: CHF 180. Students have free entrance.

Evening box office and bar: Our box office at Weidengasse 49 and our bar are open 1 hour before concert start.


We are happy if you can join us for a toast after this last concert - a toast to the music, to the young musicians, to the FYM's 12th birthday and to freedom!

Thank you for your interest!

